So how does the 2424 Highland Model 3 compare to the 2019 original UK car. What is better? What is...
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Fact-check. What evidence is there that new diesel cars are still highly polluting?
Lobbyists for the car industry for diesel technology (including some of the motoring press and motoring experts) say that older diesel cars are dirty but new Euro 6 diesel cars are clean. They say that the...
What is air pollution from a car?
There still seems to a little confusion about what a pollutant is so here’s a quick guide. Cars with conventional engines produce some gases that make the air toxic to breathe and some that are not toxic but are bad for...
6 easy steps for drivers to improve urban air
1. Go Diesel Free – Pledge not to buy another diesel On average even a new Euro 6 diesel car emits 7 times as much NO2 as new Euro 6 petrol cars in the real world. The worst diesels emit as much as more than 30...